2017 Puget Sound Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Symposium
Thursday, September 21, 2017. 8:00 to 4:30 PM
The symposium location will be at the Four Points by Sheraton at Seattle Airport South. 22406 Pacific Hwy South, Des Moines, WA 98198
This year’s theme is Research
Registration for attendees and vendors is now open. If you need help with your registration, please contact Randy by clicking Here
Further information about the symposium is available at PSHFES.org under the events tab
Symposium Co-Chairs: Jim Lin, Xidong Xu, and Jay Kim
The 2017 Symposium will feature two keynote speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Victor Riley, Associate Technical Fellow, Boeing Flight Deck/Crew Operations

Title: From Research to Reality
Presentation Summary: Vic spent nineteen years doing human factors research at the Honeywell Systems and Research Center, and realized at the end of that time that nothing he had done during his Honeywell career had made its way into an actual product. In this presentation, he will describe moving from research to engineering, from theory to product, and from abstract users to real ones. Along the way, he will touch on why design really does matter, how organizations unwittingly conspire against technology transfer from research to products, and why human factors research is often so difficult to apply in the real world.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Charles A. Fox, leads the Visualization Practice Group at Engineering Systems Inc.

Title: A Picture is Worth 1000 Words: Seeing the Unwitnessed Facts in Accidents
Presentation Summary: In a global environment for resolving disputes, visual communication crosses the barriers of technical expertise and culture allowing subject matter experts to better understand data and deliver their findings in the universal language of imagery. Using psychological testing on the audience, demonstrations of data capture technology, virtual reality (VR) applications, and case specific examples of engineering visualization used in litigation, Charles (Chuck) Fox, Ph.D., will provide an engaging and entertaining presentation illustrating the effectiveness of scientific and engineering graphics in conveying complex concepts to fact finders. He will also provide a behind the scenes glimpse at how great demonstratives are made. The presentation is an interactive demonstration of best practices for using demonstrative evidence and aids in technically oriented, often high-stakes litigation. But lessons learned from a career in the litigation industry stretch far beyond litigation.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at SymposiumChair@PSHFES.org