SYMPOSIUM SPEAKERS Title: All About Sit/Stand Workstations
Speaker: Dr. Janet Peterson, PT, DPT This presentation will address the advantages and disadvantages of a sit/stand workstation, options on how to configure a sit/stand workstation, and how to determine what a given individual will need. Title: Using the Right Input Device-The Need for Alternative Input Devices
Speaker: Peter W. Johnson, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
This presentation will discuss the results of research on varying input devices to include keyboards and mice. Differences in male and female users, special needs of children and design specifications used by hardware manufacturers are topics of discussion. Title: Lean in the Office: A Case Study Involving an Ergonomic and Vocational Consultancy
Speaker: Carlos Venegas, Lean Practitioner and Consultant
Carlos will provide an introduction of Lean process improvement applied to an office process. He will use a case study to illustrate key points, and will suggest where Lean and ergonomics may intersect. Title: Expert Witness: Application of Human
Factors to Accident Reconstruction
Speaker: Dr. Gary Sloan
Dr. Sloan with G. David Sloan, Inc. will present the application of forensic human factors to accident reconstruction. Dr. Sloan will use illustrations from court case testimonies to address such topics as signal detection theory, visibility and conspicuity, and decision making when subjected to stressors. Title: Tool Balancers
Speaker: John Amell, CPE
John is an Ergonomist for the Boeing Company and will showcase work with varying tool balancers. Title: Ergonomic Design for Wheelchairs in
Developing Countries
Speaker: Todd Lefkowicz
Todd has been involved with designing wheelchairs for special needs children in developing countries. This is not only an inspiration to use your talents for the greater good but a lesson in the use of ergonomics in design.