Assist and stand in for the President as needed. Gain the experience and skills necessary to assume primary responsibility for directing the PSHFES Executive Council in the following year and provide a smooth transition for the incoming Council.
I. Participate in Council meetings, both in person and via teleconference.
A. Arrange teleconference calls for council meetings.
II. Attend PSHFES sponsored events including facility tours, dinner meetings and the annual symposium
III. Assist President in duties as requested.
IV. Review Council positions and update for the following year.
V. Obtain newsletter articles by the first Monday of the newsletter month and edit articles and edit other materials as requested.
VI. Solicit members for open Council positions
VII. Document and distribute Council meeting minutes
A. Attend Council meeting, take notes, send the notes to the President within 3 days of the meeting and distribute the approved minutes to the Council.
VIII. Serve on the Symposium committee to help plan and execute the yearly Symposium.
A. Recruit 1-2 speakers for symposium day
B. Volunteer on symposium day to support symposium (e.g. work the registration booth)
IX. Be an active member of the National HFES
A. Maintain membership in good standing
B. Read HFES periodicals
C. Bonus points, submit conference paper to HFES
X. Attend HFES annual conference, if possible
XI. Abide by HFES Guidelines for Operating a Local Chapter
(available at http://www.hfes.org/Web/Chapters/operatingchapter.pdf )
Position Guidelines:
This is a voting Council position
Term: 1 year
Updated: 11/2012