The Puget Sound Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

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Programs Events Chair - Position Description


The purpose of the Programs Chair is to make arrangements for speakers and discussion panels for chapter meetings, coordinate tours of local facilities, and set up other activities of general interest to the membership, including social events. Events may be in conjunction with other associations/organizations, such as the IIE or ASSE.


I.               Tours are free and for members only usually

II.             Dinner meetings are also free and usually open to everyone and each person pays their own meal.

III.           Can incorporate a raffle for a door prize. This could be a speaker’s book, if they have one, or purchase a door prize.


Position Objectives

I.               Solicit input from the membership on potential speakers, tours and events for the chapter via annual or biannual survey sent early in the year.

II.             Contact potential speakers and panelists based on information from survey and other sources.

III.           Put together a schedule of events for the year, and update as events are confirmed (minimum of one event per quarter).
A.   Dinner Meeting 6-7 dinner/social and 7-8 presentation
IV.           Find appropriate venue for each event and make necessary arrangements (food, AV equipment, etc…).
A.   Resource for locating venues:
V.             Send confirmation memo to speakers/panelists 6 weeks before the event.

VI.           Obtain bio and presentation objectives from the speaker.

VII.         Write up event announcement and send out to members and community. Be sure Communications Chair knows this is going out.

VIII.       Send directions and details to individuals signed up for tours onr week from date of the event.

IX.          Oversee the event to ensure it goes smoothly (AV needs, etc...).
A.   Make introductory remarks and coordinate prize drawings and other activities at events.
B.    Arrange with the Treasurer speaker meal and honorarium payments.
C.    Make available CEU forms for attendees as requested.
X.            Send Thank You note to speakers/panelists/tour organizers after event.

XI.          Write up event summary for newsletter  and send to President Elect for final edit.

XII.        Develop/maintain contact with other local associations/organizations with interest in the ergonomics/human factors area; host joint events and share information on programs and events as appropriate.

XIII.      Attend all events. In the case that is not possible, assign another Board member to over see the event.

XIV.      Use previous year’s advertising plan as a guide to contact organizations to advertise symposium & workshop on calendars and membership


This is a voting committee position

Term: 1 year

Updated: 11/2012

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