Mission: To plan and execute the annual PSHFES chapter Symposium and Workshop event.
- Work with the Council to identify the facility/venue, date, general format and budget for the annual occupational ergonomics symposium and workshop event for the chapter.
- Work with the President and Treasurer to secure contract and down payment for venue and catering.
- Develop symposium and workshop program concept or theme relevant to the needs of the Membership, and obtain keynote speaker(s) for the event.
- Establish and provide speaker’s with content requirements and guidelines for presentations
- Work with the Council, and the Membership to establish and solicit volunteers for the primary symposium/workshop planning committee roles; positions to include catering, advertising, speaker logistics, exhibitors and sponsors, vendor representative, and registration logistics.
- Coordinate and manage planning committee member efforts as defined in the symposium checklist and timeline.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer and planning committee catering member to develop the menu, obtain registration updates to notify the caterer, and ensure catering costs are paid.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer and planning committee speaker logistics member to make arrangements with out-of-town speakers (lodging, travel and meal reimbursement), write speaker letters of agreement, and obtain presentation details from speakers for agenda, flyer and continuing education.
- Develop and finalize the symposium and workshop agenda.
- Work with the President and Communications chair, and advertising planning committee member to get symposium notices and updates distributed to Membership and other sources to publicize the event.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer and planning committee vendor representative to solicit exhibitors and sponsors, obtain agreements and logos, and ensure exhibit and/or sponsorship payments are made.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer and WebMaster to establish symposium/workshop registration cost structure, set up the on-line registration, and track list of attendees for badging.
- Coordinate with President for the solicitation of nominations for “Ergonomist of the Year” award.
- Work with the President to create the script, and each person involved, to detail all activities and announcements planned for the day of the symposium and workshop; including welcoming attendees to the symposium/workshop, recognizing the efforts of the Council and planning committee, thanking sponsors and exhibitors, introducing keynote speaker, announcing “Ergonomist of the Year”, and announcing breaks and session speakers.
- Send Thank You notes to sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and volunteers after the event.
- Summarize attendee feedback forms and collect feedback from exhibitors.
Position Guidelines:
This is a voting Council position
Term: 1 year
Updated: 11/2012