WHEN: Thursday, September 20. 2012
WHERE: Museum of Flight, Seattle
Morning Session
Title: Internal Marketing for Ergonomic Practitioners
Speaker: Toolie Garner, Professional Speaker
Description: This workshop is designed to teach corporate and independent ergonomic specialists how to organize their training content and market it to their internal audiences. Audience members will form teams of three or four persons and work together to produce training content by the end of the session.
Afternoon Session
Title: IGOA Problem Solving Methodology
I(ssue)-G(oal)-O(bstacles)- A(ctions)
Speaker: Chris Shulenberger, MS, CPE
Description: During our professional careers, a variety of different issues/problems arise that we have to resolve/ solve. The IGOA process is a systematic methodology that enables professionals and managers to do so in a consistent way.
NOTE: Refunds available prior to the event. Contact: PSHFES Treasurer